Road access
Brest Bretagne Airport is easily accessible
- From Morlaix, Saint-Brieuc, Rennes by the RN12 express route
- From Quimper, Lorient, Vannes, Nantes via the RN165 express route
Coordonnées GPS
Latitude : 48.442838 | Longitude : -4.419763
Distances and travel times by car
Here is a summary of the distances and time of journey by car between Brest Bretagne airport and various Breton cities
The Taxi
The taxi rank is located in front of the main entrance of the air terminal.
Prices for information only
- €1.80/km as a day rate
- €2.60/km as a night rate (night rate applicable on Sundays and bank holidays)
- Pick-up charge: €2.15.