Flight school
Iroise Aéro Formation
Iroise Aéro Formation (IAF), a flying school based at Brest Bretagne Airport, was founded in 2007 and has a wide range of skills.
Whether you are a novice and want to learn how to fly for your pleasure or you are already a seasoned pilot who wants to embark on an aeronautical career, IAF will meet your needs.
With a fleet of six aircraft (single-engine and twin-engine piston, single turbine) and four flight simulators, the school trains for a private pilot licence (PPL), a commercial pilot licence (CPL) or instrument flight (IR-IFR).
IAF also offers aviation discovery packs, youth internships during school holidays, internships to master fear in the air but also incentive offers for companies.
For more information, follow this link
Contact : contact@iroiseaeroformation.com
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